

分类:校园新闻   点击:3483 次  发布:2019-08-28


Hello, it’s mypleasure to be back in Zhengzhou, here at Zhengzhou #11, to be with all of youto celebrate the start of another school year. I want to thank Principal Guo and Director Xu for their strong supportof our program. My great thanks also goes to all of the international programteachers and staff members for their hard work to prepare for anothersuccessful school year.  And, above, allI want to thank our parents and our students for choosing our Zhengzhou #11-St.Mary’s School dual diploma program.  Wewill work hard to get you ready for success in college and in life . . . and weexpect you students to work hard too.


I’ll sharesomething personal with you students now. In a few months I will turn 60 years old.  Somehow I’ve become an old man.  Old age sneaks up on you.  But I don’t think much differently now than whenI was in high school.  I just have moreexperience and more knowledge.  Reachingthis age, and still working in high schools, has made me think back more andmore upon my own school days.  When I wasa boy, I never took anything very seriously, but I always admired the motto ofmy high school.   It made sense to me.  Our motto was “Today Knowledge, TomorrowWisdom.”  There is an infinite amount ofinformation to learn in our world.  Thereis ancient knowledge worth exploring and basic knowledge in all subjectareas.  And then, every day, newdiscoveries are being made in all fields of science, new technologies areinvented, vast amounts of data are being collected and analyzed, wonderful newworks of art and literature are being created all over the world, and there arenew ways of looking at history and trying to learn from it.  Until you have jumped into this ocean ofdiscovery and acquired a solid base of knowledge and critical thinking skills,you are, by definition, an ignorant person and you cannot begin to developwisdom.  This is the reason you are inschool.  If you were brilliant and kneweverything already, we could just give you a diploma today and let you get onwith your lives.  But you all have a lotto learn on your never-ending path towards wisdom. 


And just like youhave a lot to learn, so does the human race. I read a great book this summer called “Enlightenment Now” by MITprofessor Steven Pinker.  He makes thepoint, with vast amounts of data to support his conclusions, that our world hasbeen getting better and better and better, very rapidly, for the last fewhundred years.  Today, all over theworld, people live longer, learn more, have better health, have moreconveniences in life, more leisure time, less violence and less war, and lesscrime, and more opportunities for personal advancement than ever before inhuman history.  You would not know thisfrom the news media.  The news is verymisleading because it focuses on the bad things that happen in the world, notthe great advances we have made and continue to make as a species.  Every generation has built on the knowledgeof the generation before it.  Everygeneration faces problems, but so far human intelligence has overcome thoseproblems and made life better.  We haveevery reason to believe we will continue to conquer the problems we face and toimprove life around the planet.  Youstudents are in a long line of humans who will live to see an even better worldthan the one we live in today.  But thatwill only happen if you commit yourselves to acquire knowledge and to becomelifelong learners and to participate intelligently in making a better world.  You are on a path to become globally educatedadults who can continue to make the world better and to enjoy that world you help create. The path to that success happens when you make your best effort day byday in every one of your classes.  So Iurge you to take your studies seriously, become knowledgeable, become wise, andto enjoy fully the wonderful world you are inheriting.  Have a great school year!






大家好!我叫NickFegley。 我是数学老师。今年,我也是教务长。我的家在美国东北,很冷。

Hello everybody!my name is Nick Fegley. I’m a math teacher and dean of Studies this year. I’m fromthe North-Eastern part of America. It’s very cold there.


Last year was my first time in China. I didn’t know anything aboutZhengzhou, I didn’t have any friends here, and my Chinese was terrible, but nowI love Zhengzhou, I have many friends and my Chinese is passable.


I’m so proud of last year’s students. They studied English, but theyalso studied history、science and math. These subjects are difficult to learn, but it is evenmore difficult to learn history、science and math in English. Despite this, our students studied hard,and they learned a lot.


This year we have new grade 10 students too. I would like to welcomeyou! I know you are great students. The School 11 International Department isyour home for the next three years.


Excuse me, Chineseis difficult, so I’m going to switch to English. 

Iwould also like to welcome our foreign teachers. They, like me, are dedicatedto bringing our students an American style education. Each of us has adifferent set of skills and an expertise in our fields. Our differences are ourstrengths, and our students will inherit those strengths from us.


Iwould also like to acknowledge the phenomenal work done by the Chinese facultyand staff. The School 11 International Department is fortunate to have suchamazingly qualified teachers, and such a dedicated support staff.


Ofcourse, none of this would be possible without Principal Guo and the kindnessand support that we get from High School No. 11. Please accept my sincereappreciation for everything you’ve done, and continue to do, for us.


Thissummer President Frank Phillips and St. Mary’s High Schoolin Oregon hosted our grade 11 students for two weeks. For many of them, it wastheir first taste of American culture. If I’m beinghonest, I was nervous. Were they prepared for this experience? Had they studiedenough English?


Myconcerns were unnecessary. These students made me so proud. They navigated themany complexities of American culture with ease, and their English wasexcellent. It was clear to me that we had prepared them for success, but also,that they had prepared themselves. I have no doubt that they will all be verysuccessful when they move on to American Universities. Similarly, I have nodoubt that they will continue to find success when they graduate from thoseuniversities and begin their adult lives.


Teachers:Please remember that every student is different, and we should aspire torecognize and cultivate those differences. We are not just here to make themstudy, we are here to help them grow.


Parents: We are teammates, and our goals are the same: We all wantwhat’s best for your

children. Always remember that you can come to me with any questions orconcerns, even if maybe we need a translator to help us.


Students:please know that I’m always here for you. Your teachers’ top priorityis your academic、social andemotional growth. Your goals are our goals, and we will do everything in ourpower to guide you to the future you seek.




大家上午好!我是来自11中国际部2119班的马赛雨迪。在开始演讲之前,我要感谢学校给我这个机会来分享我这一年多的感悟与收获, 同时也非常感谢我们美方校长Frank 能够从大洋彼岸来参加我们的开学典礼。

Distinguishedteachers, parents and students:

Good morning everyone!I am sallyfrom class10•1, international department of No. 11 high school. Before Istart my speech, I would like to thank the school for giving me thisopportunity to share my thoughts and gains over the past year. I also want tothank our American President Frank for coming to our opening ceremony from theother side of the ocean.


From today on, I will start my andfulfilling life at the second year in high school. However, I don't feel scaredabout it, but look forward to it. I really enjoy the atmosphere brought to meby the school, whether it is teachers, classmates or the complete and pureAmerican curriculum system. In this school, I got a lot of help from manypeople, so that I could constantly improve myself.   


First, as students, we should study hard. and as children, we should loveour family with gratitude. Parents provide us with an excellent material baseand educational resources, which make us the luckiest peers. The real meaningof education is self-knowledge and self-cognition. Each foreign class can bringdifferent inspirations to everyone. Such resources help me to establish a soundworld view and values, so that I can have a better understanding of the worldand myself. Indeed, such high-quality resources come from our parents, because theyare deeply aware of the importance of education, so they put the besteducational resources in our hands.


After the entrance examination for highschool, my parents and I were struggling and worried that children might nothave a good future after three years’ study,which might also be the worry of many parents here. But I told my parents, thefuture is in our own hands; when you have provided us a good environment tolearn knowledge, we must learn to be responsible to ourselves. Doing our bestshould be the biggest reward for our parents.


In the beginning of this summer vacation, Iwent to st. Mary's high school for learning for two weeks. may be just twoweeks over there does not significantly change a person, but I think that thefourteen days’ experience not only brings me some programming knowledge, but moreis the life habits and cultural atmosphere: st Mary's teachers and studentslove life, are open-minded and inclusive,whichattract me. When we are young, we always look at some things critically, butwhen we really go out, we will find that we know too little about the world,and it is wrong to think differently from ourselves. Only after personalunderstanding and feeling, can you develop the ability to distinguish rightfrom wrong based on your own views. Study more and read more, so that Iwill not attack the other party because I believe one party, nor despise otherseasily. I will look at problems from different points, and finally live withthe world gently with tolerance and firmness. After returning to China,I have great motivation to study. I am determined to enter an excellentuniversity two years later and meet a better me.

课堂上不会每天教我们学习的目的是什么,但一步步靠自己的努力,我的内心会告诉自己学习的目的是什么。或许每一个人内心都有不同的答案。 但前提是,我们必须要为自己的想法付出行动,不要一时意气用事,从而丧失了认清自己的最好机会。

The class will not teach us the purpose oflearning every day, but by relying on my own efforts step by step, my heartwill tell me what the purpose of learning is, maybe everyone has a differentanswer. But we should act on what we think and don't let our best chance ofknowing who we are get lost in the heat of the moment.


Today is the first day of school, I sawmany familiar and unfamiliar faces, you have taken a very correct step in life,later efforts will largely determine your success. Some people always say thatthe most efficient time for learning is early morning and late afternoon, but Ithink we can create a different future as long as we keep learning in ourhearts.






