开学典礼特别报道 | 开学有“礼”,给你好看!
分类:新闻动态 点击:3144 次 发布:2019-08-25
欢迎你,新同学 秋雨一荷碧, 山色倚晴空。 欢迎归来,十一少年! 欢迎归来,所有追梦者! 新的学年,终于在跨越炎热而绵长的夏季之后,来临了!我们用一场盛大的开学典礼,作为梦想的新起点。郑州11中国际部的开学典礼,会是什么样子? 8月25日上午,来自美国圣玛丽中学的Principal Frank Phillips 校长、郑州11中郭勤学校长、正校级干部刘明臣校长、副校级干部李素香校长、国际部全体师生及各年级学生家长,齐聚学校500人报告厅,我们的开学典礼,正式开始。 首先,美国圣玛丽中学Principal Frank Phillips 校长致辞,他很高兴再次来到郑州,来到郑州十一中,和你们一起庆祝下一学年的开始。寄语新学生要尽快适应新学校生活,嘱咐高三学子要抓紧时间学习,争取考到理想的大学。 郑州11中郭勤学校长致辞,感谢美国圣玛丽中学Frank校长不远万里来到郑州11中,同时对在座的家长选择、支持郑州11中表示感谢,选择国际教育,让孩子走出国门,走向世界,选择11中国际部是正确的。在国际部全体教职员工和学生们的努力下,考学成绩不断创新高,给新生树立榜样,给学校争光添彩...... 外教团队 暑假印记 还记得之前的微信美文《这个暑假,他们这样过(上下篇)》,暑假期间国际部学生没有闲着,利用学习之余,到不同行业做社会实践,为了更好促进学生发展,我们给暑期优秀学子颁发“社区服务之星”,恭喜他们! Frank校长为“社区服务之星”颁奖 合影留念 郭勤学校长为“优秀志愿者”颁奖 郑州11中国际部之我们的故事 ...... Distinguished teachers, parents and students, Good morning, everyone. I am sally from class10•1, international department of no. 11 high school. Before I start my speech, I would like to thank the school for giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts and gains over the past year. I also want to thank our American President Frank for coming to our opening ceremony from the other side of the ocean. From today on, I will start my intense and fulfilling life at the second year in high school. However, I don't feel scared about it, but look forward to it. I really enjoy the atmosphere brought to me by the school, whether it is teachers, classmates or the complete and pure American curriculum system. In this school, I got a lot of help from many people, so that I could constantly improve myself. First, as students, we should study hard and as children, we should love our family with gratitude. Parents provide us with an excellent material base and educational resources, which make us the luckiest peers. The real meaning of education is self-knowledge and self-cognition. Each foreign class can bring different inspirations to everyone. Such resources help me to establish a sound world view and values, so that I can have a better understanding of the world and myself. Indeed, such high-quality resources come from our parents, because they are deeply aware of the importance of education, so they put the best educational resources in our hands. Dear leaders, parents and students, Good morning! 很荣幸能有这样的机会站在台上,跟在座的各位分享我家孩子在11中国际部这两年来经历与成长,以及作为妈妈我的所见所感。 It is my honor to have this opportunity to stand on the stage and share with all of you my child’s experience and growth in the International Department of NO.11 middle school in the past two years, and what I have seen and felt as a mother. 我是2019班王悦懿的妈妈,我的孩子一直想要上国际部,理由是她想走出去,去领略外边更广阔的天空,我们也没有阻止她去追寻自己梦想。我们是高一下学期从11中本部转到国际部的,孩子在这一年半的时间里学到了很多的东西,改变很大。这些得益于学校的各方面优势: I am the mother of wang yueyi in class12.1. My child has always wanted to go to the international department, because she wants to go outside and enjoy the wider sky. We have not prevented her from pursuing her dream. In the second semester of the first year of high school, my child was transferred from the common department of NO. 11 middle school to the International Department. After coming here, She have learned many things and changed a lot, which is due to the various advantages of the school: 第一 ,学习方式多元化:学校除了每天的上课之外,还会给学生提供更多实践的机会,鼓励孩子参加各种竞赛、夏令营、志愿者活动等等让孩子们在自我学习、为他人服务中得到成长。 First, diversified learning styles: in addition to daily classes, the school provides students with more opportunities to practice, and encourage children to participate in various competitions, summer camps, volunteer activities, etc. so that children can grow through self-learning and helping others. 第二,上课形式多元化,老师们会带着孩子们走出教室书本和实践相结合。自制量角器测量并计算附近建筑的高度,去菜园种菜记录其生长等,这些形式都是孩子能参与其中的。 Second, diversified classes: Teachers here will take children out of the classroom and combine books with practice, such as using hand-made protractor to measure and calculate nearby building's height, going to the garden to grow vegetables and records their growth, etc., in which children can get involved. 第三,评价体系多元化:学生除了考试成绩之外,还有很多可以受到关注和表扬的机会。只要你是积极向上,老师总能发现你的优点。 Third, the diversified evaluation system: besides achievement test, students have many opportunities to be noticed and praised. As long as you are positive, teachers can always find your merits. 我的孩子在刚入学时有些吃力,她过去是一个不自信的女孩,还需要从传统上课模式的 墨守成规到新的学习方式的过渡,这对于她是一个很大的挑战。有段时间她感到压力很大,身体也出现了不适,那个时候多亏学校老师及时的跟我们沟通,一同帮助孩子克服难关,孩子越来越适应这种上课和学习模式。她从不适应到现在的非常喜欢。虽然这期间很忙也很累。但至少,现在我看到的是一个充实、信心满满的、积极向上的女孩,她在为梦想而努力着!感恩遇见郑州11中、遇见郑州11中国际部的所有的老师,也要感谢逆流而上的的女儿! My child struggled when she first came here. She used to lack of confidence, and had to make the transition from the traditional class mode to the new learning mode, which was a big challenge for her. There was a period that she felt stressed and uncomfortable. Thanks to the timely communication with us from the school teachers, my kid was helped to overcome difficulties, and she became more and more accustomed to this mode of classes and learning. She changed from inadaptability to enjoyment for the class. Although I was very busy and tired, now, at least, I see a positive girl, full of confidence, working hard for her dream! I am grateful to Zhengzhou NO. 11 middle school, all the teachers in the International Department and my dear daughter who is against stream and will meet a better self. 我们很幸运来到11中国际部,它是一所有温情有爱的学校,学校不仅仅重视孩子成绩,更重视孩子能力、自信心、爱心、责任心的培养,在校三年潜移默化会教给学生很多东西。在这过程中我们家长需要做的就是,配合学校工作,和学校一起陪伴孩子度过这重要的高中三年,做到不忘初心砥砺前行。谢谢大家我的分享到此结束。 We are very lucky to be in the International Department of NO. 11 middle school. It is a school full of warmth and love. Not only do the school pay attention to the achievement score, but also the school focus on the cultivation of students’ ability, confidence, compassion,and responsibility, which have unconsciously and greatly influenced them.In this process, what parents need to do is to cooperate with the school and accompany our children through this important three years of high school, so that we will never forget our initial aspiration to move forward. This is the end of my sharing. Thank you. 合影留念 we are伐木累 新学习,新起点,新征程,最后李老师以一首短文结束,预祝11学子,学习进步,快乐成长! 起航 水库是知识的海洋 1 END 1 郑州11中国际部 本项目隶属郑州市第十一中学,联合美国俄勒冈州百年名校美国圣玛丽中学共同创办,以美国学校课程为核心,使用原版英语教材,加入中国标准课程,两国课程内容做到相辅相成。有郑州十一中经验丰富的师资队伍和美国圣玛丽中学在职教师,真正做到了优势互补,双语言流利、双文化通晓。经过中外教师、莘莘学子的共同努力,毕业生硕果累累,100%升入国外大学,美英澳加全面开花! 咨询电话:0371-66777561 56601599/18837177561 合影留念